Young 2 Year Olds

The young-two-year-old classroom caters to children 2  – 2.5 years of age. Teachers are trained to work with children in this classroom through certifications, workshops, seminars and on-site professional trainings. Weekly lesson plans are posted to showcase the activities and play based learning that children in this group acquire each day. Teachers also work with families to promote social skills, early reading, appropriate cognitive skills and sensory experiences.

The two-year-old classroom focuses on establishing bonds with consistent caregivers, developing early reading skills and ensuring that each child is treated individually to develop a plan that is appropriate for him or her. While lesson plans are posted to make parents aware of what is being taught, we also provide a flexible schedule that allows children to receive the care that is most important on that specific day. Beautiful weather may warrant a nature walk while a day with Soccer Shots warrants more gross motor activity. Teachers develop weekly lesson plans according to topics such as seasons, basic concepts such as letters and numbers, the environment and developing healthy peer relationships. Teachers also provide plenty of observational and sensory experiences which facilitate immense growth and development for this age group. Teachers speak with the parents at drop off and learn of any changes to the child’s schedule or any physical changes that may affect the flow of the day. We listen to this information and adjust the child’s day so it is both productive and comfortable. Teachers also use Brightwheel (free phone app) to track student’s potty/diapering, nap time and eating. This allows parents to see a live-feed of their child’s day, message the teacher and see any announcements.

Bright wheel

Brightwheel is a free app that can be downloaded on your cell phone or opened on your computer. Teachers input potty/diapering, nap times and meals. Parents and teachers can also message about the child’s day or ask any questions. In addition, Brightwheel allows teachers to post photos and notes. Parents can also choose to use Brightwheel billing which is a free service where parents can pay for childcare on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis.


Teachers have all of the training and certifications required by the MSDE OCC. In addition, many of our teachers have degrees in education or are enrolled in college to obtain their degree. Teachers also complete a minimum of 12 credits per year that pertain to their age group and child development. Teachers also create weekly lesson plans that focus on circle time, art, fine motor, math, science and small group activities.

Play Areas

Two-year-olds share an outdoor area that is equipped with climbers, slides, playhouse and other equipment that helps facilitate gross motor development. The indoor classroom focuses on developing sensory experiences, circle time, fine motor skills and weekly themes. The indoor layout is designed to promote teacher-directed and child-directed activities. Children are exposed to centers that include sensory, library, shelf toys, kitchen, housekeeping/dramatic play, table toys and other varying centers that may change with the theme. In addition, we also have a large indoor recreational hall where children can use hoops, balls, tumbling mats, balance beams and other gross motor activities when the weather is not appropriate.